

I haven't wrote on here in so long mainly due to the stress I have been under with it being my final year of university but thats all finished now and I move back home next weekend. A lot has happened since I last posted so I thought I would write an update.

I finished all of my group therapy classes. These finished quite a while ago but I have been really busy so haven't been able to properly write a post on my experience with it but that will be coming soon along with the rest of the homework we had to do. I am currently doing cbt and the lady who I have it with is lovely. I'm going to wait till I have completed my sessions before I do a proper post on it though.

As said above I FINISHED UNIVERSITY! This year I directed a film which we got a 1st for, which I am very proud of. I also made a television show which I am still waiting to find out the grade and finally I finished my dissertation which was so stressful and I'm glad I don't ever need to write one again!
 The past three years I spent there have been some of the best and worst of my life but I'm going to miss it so much. I have made some of the best friends I could ask for and am going to hate not being able to see them everyday. Im waiting to find out what my overall degree classification is and then I graduate at the end of July. I now have to look for a job but the jobs I want are too far away from home so the next thing I need to do is learn how to drive.

Towards the end of last year I ended up having to leave class as I was having really bad heart palpitations so my friend took me to the hospital and I had tests done, a few of my ecg tests have been coming back with abnormalities which has scared me into realising I need to help myself to get better so since the start of this year I have been doing really well with my recovery. Obviously there are bound to be a few moments where things aren't great but I'm doing so much better than I was. I think I could struggle over the next couple of months as I'm planning on going on holiday and I am terrified of swim wear but I just need to remind myself how far I have come.

Now university is finished and I'm moving back home I will have more time to put into blogging so expect more posts!

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