2017 Goals!


I feel like if I write down some of the things I want to achieve in 2017 on this blog then it will motivate me to actually get them done because I won't want to get to the end of the year read this back and feel like I've failed haha. So here goes…

In 2017 I would like to
  • Keep writing scripts and screen plays. Even if its not for a job I just want to stay motivated with developing ideas and staying creative. 
  • Blog a lot more. I did a lot better at keeping my blog updated than what I did in 2015 when I first started blogging. I feel like blogging helps me as I can look back at what I was struggling with before and see what I have overcome and I also hope that it helps people that read my blog.
  • Focus on my recovery. Even though I was motivated to get better last year I still let things get on top of me and fell back into my disorder as a way to cope instead of looking at the techniques I had learnt, so this year I'm going to take time to rationalise my thoughts and stop impulsively acting in hopes it will keep me on track. I also want to stop comparing myself to others so much as this is something I do way too much from appearance to success and it really is the worst thing I can do for my self esteem. 
  • I want to keep using my journal not just for when I'm feeling down but also when something good happens throughout the year so I can look back at it at the end of the year and keep the memories. 
  • I want to drive!!! Im scared to start driving because I'm the type of person that panics too easily and this is obviously not good for driving but if I want to be able to have the job that I want it is going to require me being able to drive to different locations. Also if I could drive it would help a lot with everyday stuff like going to do the shopping or driving to a friends house.
  • Get a job. Obviously I need a job to be able to afford to live so this doesn't need that much explaining haha. 
  • Travel. I want to travel and by travelling I don't necessarily mean abroad, I obviously want to do this too, but I mean going to stay with/visit my university friends that are situated all across the Uk. 

Obviously there are lots of other things I would like to achieve this year but I thought I should keep it realistic haha.

Have any of you set any goals for the year? Feel free to leave a comment :)


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  1. Babyyyyyy! We look hella cute up there 💖💖💖💖

    Well done to everyone on their recovery mission! 💪🏼
