Reflecting Back On My 2017 Goals
Firstly I would like to apologise for the lack of posts I have been uploading recently. I should have probably done this post at the start of January but other work I have had to do has been taking over.
I now have a few hours to spare so thought I would use the time wisely to get some blog posts done.
At the start of 2017 I wrote a list of goals I wanted to achieve and I thought it would be nice for me to look back on it now and see what I managed to accomplish. So lets get started…
I now have a few hours to spare so thought I would use the time wisely to get some blog posts done.
At the start of 2017 I wrote a list of goals I wanted to achieve and I thought it would be nice for me to look back on it now and see what I managed to accomplish. So lets get started…
The screen shot above shows my post that I wrote at the start of last year. Those were the things that I was aiming to get done. Firstly I wanted to continue writing screenplays as this was what I wanted as a career at the time. I started the year writing a lot of scripts and entering them into competitions but I must admit that I kind of last my passion for it. Don't get me wrong I still love to think of ideas and stories but other projects I have been working on I have become the centre of my attention.
My second goal of 2017 was to blog a lot more and I definitely did this! As I said earlier I have been busy with other things the past few months so have not been blogging as much as I was but I know that I wrote a lot more posts in 2017 than I did in any other year and I hope that you all found them useful.
I wanted 2017 to be the year I completely focused on my recovery and I am very happy to say that is exactly what I did. I had to cope with grief, weight gain and comparison and managed to not fall into old behaviours! I am so thankful to the people who helped me on my bad days as I probably wouldn't be able to do this without them. I am so much happier now that I am better and not trapped in an eating disorder.
My next goal was to continue journaling, again I did this. I wrote about how I was feeling so it did not feel like I had a million thoughts in my head to deal with. I did drawings and doodles to distract myself and to calm myself down when I wasn't feeling my best.
For the next goal, I can't drive as of yet, but I am well on my way to getting that accomplished. I started my driving lessons at the start of October and have my theory test soon so keep your fingers crossed for me!!
My next goal was to get a job… I did get a job on a film set which I enjoyed working on but it was only for a couple of months. I applied to so many film and television jobs as that is what I have my degree in but as I don't drive it has been difficult to find anything in that industry. I am currently working on setting up my own business and have done a course for this so hopefully this year will be the year it takes off!
I wanted to travel through 2017 and thankfully I got to do this. I can see I said I wanted to travel to see uni friends and I did that and got to have a night out with a couple of my old housemates which was fun. I got to go to Ibiza with my family which was really nice as we haven't been away together since I was at school. I WENT TO AUSTRALIA!! Australia is somewhere I've always wanted to go and last year I got to do this as I went with my boyfriend to visit his sister and her husband who work out there. We stayed in Sydney and had the best time. I have done a blog post on it so I won't write too much here but I loved it. I also got to go to Edinburgh around the time of the christmas markets and it was a nice weekend away with my boyfriend. We had lots of nice meals, drinks and explored the city.
2017 was such a good year for me, in comparison to the few years before it when I was struggling with my mental health. It obviously had low moments but I'm thankful that I did not fall into old behaviours during those times. I can tell from reflecting on the goals I set myself last year how much I have grown and how far I have come in my recovery and I am extremely proud of myself!!
Hope you all had a lovely start to your new year and I hope 2018 is the best year yet for you all!