Petition For Increased Training On Eating Disorders


Just a quick post for you today. There is currently a petition going around with the eating disorder charity Beat to ensure that GPs are given the full training when eating disorders are involved and also to get an increase on funding for specialist services.
For me personally my experience with my GP was a really good one and she handled everything with care and understanding. However, unfortunately a number of people who approach their GPs do not get treated the same way I did and are turned away if their weight isn't considered dangerous. It is important that eating disorders are treated quickly and efficiently before the patient falls further into the cycle of the eating disorder. The sooner someones eating disorder is discovered the more chance they have of recovery so it is a huge benefit if the GPs can refer them as soon as possible instead of them being turned away.

I have put the link to the petition below and would highly encourage you all to take a look and sign it. All that is required is your country and your email address.

Lets make a change so that eating disorders become more widely understood.


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